Brendan completed a Forestry Degree in 1994 before working as a senior forest policy officer in the Queensland State Government.
Brendan completed his PhD in 2004 entitled "Characterizing and dealing with uncertainty in species distribution models" at the University of Melbourne.
He won an Australian Postdoctoral Fellowship to work on the design of wildlife monitoring programs before taking up a position with the University of Melbourne School of Botany as a lecturer in Conservation Ecology.
He holds an ARC Future Fellowship: "Climate adaptation strategies for conserving biodiversity in rapidly changing landscapes".
Brendan specializes in modelling and dealing with uncertainty in environmental decisions, and measuring cost-effectiveness of conservation programs.
He has served on Forest Stewardship Council reference committees, and various Commonwealth and State science advisory bodies including the Regional Sustainability Planning Advisory Committee, the Monitoring and Evaluation (MERI) advisory group, and the 'Save the Tasmanian Devil' Science Advisory Group.
He's obsessed with arboreal marsupials and soccer.