Jaana Dielenberg is a leader in developing and implementing high impact communication, engagement and knowledge brokering programs across the environmental research and management sectors.
For the last 12 years Jaana has led communication and engagement programs and projects for major threatened species, biodiversity, waterway, climate resilience and invasive species research and management initiatives. She has extensive experience managing partnerships with stakeholders across Australia and the Pacific, including government, NGO, Indigenous, NRM and industry groups.
Jaana is employed by The University of Queensland as the Threatened Species Recovery Hub's Senior Manager of Communication and Engagement. In this role, and as a skilled science writer and media manager, she has led media campaigns which generated over 7,500 media stories on hub research. She is also a University Fellow at Charles Darwin University.
Jaana has led a talented team of communication professionals which includes Mary Cryan (Graphic Designer), Nicolas Rakotopare (Videographer) and Kate Donnelly, Tida Nou, Elizabeth Lindsay and Callum Mulvey (Science Communication Officers). Together this team has produced almost 500 research factsheets, over 120 research reports, 80 videos and 19 magazines on the research of the Threatened Species Recovery Hub.
When she isn't working she is usually taking her younger son to waterpolo, running, swimming, gardening or dreaming about camping.
You can connect with Jaana through Linkedin.