Larrakia Rangers look after Larrakia land and sea country whilst providing employment and training for Larrakia and other local Aboriginal people, some
of whom come from disadvantaged backgrounds.
The Rangers carry out a wide range of land management activities across sites of ecological and cultural significance around Larrakia country. This
includes weed control, burning off, revegetation, habitat maintenance, pest fish control, crocodile management and cultural site surveys and management.
Larrakia Rangers often work in partnership with other groups looking after country and the wider community. They are negotiating for Joint Management
of Parks on their land.
Funding is derived from a mixture of grant funding and fee for service contracts. Primary grants include the Indigenous Land Corporation’s Real Jobs
Program, and two Indigenous Marine Ranger positions, funded by the Northern Territory Government.
Larrakia Rangers are project partners in Project 5.1.1: Strategic Planning for the Far Eastern Curlew.
More information about Larrakia Nation.