Theme 3.0

Theme 3.0

Monitoring and management

Improved monitoring and management of threatened species and threatened ecosystems, including the effectiveness of interventions, is essential to learn what conservation actions work best.

A better understanding of the current condition of ecosystems is the first step in this process.

This theme will focus on:

  • Improved reporting and information on threatened species and ecological communities
  • Better prediction of threatened species trajectories
  • Practical adaptive management for threatened species conservation and recovery programs improvement.
Developing a threatened species index

Developing a threatened species index

This project will develop and evaluate a set of indices that can provide reliable and robust measures of population trends across Australia’s threatened species. This will support more coherent and transparent reporting of changes in biodiversity across national, state and regional levels.
Improving threatened species monitoring

Improving threatened species monitoring

This project aims to improve the design and implementation of cost-effective monitoring for threatened species. The project will assess the extent and quality of monitoring across threatened species, and seek to understand what contributes to good monitoring.
Using reintroductions to understand causes of mammal declines and extinctions at Booderee National Park

Using reintroductions to understand causes of mammal declines and extinctions at Booderee National Park
Active management in Booderee National Park has stabilised declines of many species and created conditions considered suitable to trial reintroductions of at least three regionally extinct mammals. This project will support Parks Australia in planning and monitoring the releases.
Monitoring Threatened Species on Indigenous lands: Bilbies in the Martu Determination

Monitoring Threatened Species on Indigenous lands: Bilbies in the Martu Determination
Martu people are traditional owners of over 14 million hectares of the western deserts, one of the last strongholds of the greater bilby. The project is combining Indigenous knowledge and Western scientific techniques to create and establish bilby monitoring and data management programs that will be implemented by Martu Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa Rangers.
A tool for evaluating biodiversity monitoring programs in national parks

A tool for evaluating biodiversity monitoring programs in national parks
Monitoring is crucial for determining trends in plant and animal populations and their response to management. However, decisions about how much to invest in monitoring, and where, when and how to allocate monitoring effort, are complex. This project will further develop a computer simulation tool (SPOTR) for evaluating the performance of biodiversity monitoring programs.
Bioacoustic monitoring of breeding in glossy and red-tailed black-cockatoos

Bioacoustic monitoring of breeding in glossy and red-tailed black-cockatoos
Breeding success is a key limiting factor in population recovery for the threatened glossy black-cockatoo and south-eastern red-tailed black-cockatoo. Monitoring is important to guide conservation actions, however these species are difficult to monitor using traditional methods. This project will develop novel bioacoustic methods to monitor breeding in these species.
Using drones for biodiversity monitoring

Using drones for biodiversity monitoring
This project will trial the performance of drones with thermal cameras to provide tangible advice to managers about when they should be used to augment traditional ecological monitoring approaches. It will also develop a framework for designing drone-based surveys, and evaluate the statistical and technical trade-offs between different survey designs.
Thermal imaging for biodiversity monitoring

Thermal imaging for biodiversity monitoring
Traditional techniques for monitoring wildlife such as spotlighting are often too expensive, inefficient or impractical for widespread use. New technologies and new advances in survey methods have the potential to provide data that are more accurate for lower costs.
Ecosystem Accounts in the Victorian Central Highlands

Ecosystem Accounts in the Victorian Central Highlands

Natural resource management is complex and involves policy compromises. Discord between environmental and economic metrics creates problems in assessing trade-offs between current and potential resource uses. Ecosystem accounts, which quantify ecosystems and their benefits for human wellbeing provide exciting opportunities to contribute significantly to the policy process.
Arid Zone Monitoring: Surveys for vertebrates across arid and semi-arid zones

Arid Zone Monitoring: Surveys for vertebrates across arid and semi-arid zones

We know little about the distribution, abundance, and status of desert wildlife. This project is working with indigenous and non-indigenous partners to collate and analyse this information, to produce a collective picture of the distributions of desert species and their threats, and how these are changing over time.
Evidence-based management protocols for recovery of multiple threatened woodland birds

Evidence-based management protocols for recovery of multiple threatened woodland birds

Eastern Australia’s temperate woodlands have been significantly cleared, with 80% of their former extent already gone, and the classically Australian woodland bird community that is inseparably bound with them disintegrating.
Managing jila on Ngurrara Country

Managing jila and fire on Ngurrara Country

Jila and jumu (desert water sources) are critical components of the ecological and cultural fabric of desert ecosystems. The Ngurrara team aims to develop a monitoring program to chart the ecological as well as the cultural outcomes of jila management, so they can respond to changes appropriately.
Monitoring bogong moth population change

Monitoring bogong moth population change

Recent reports of bogong moth migration failure have caused major concerns among managers, ecologists and the general public. This project seeks to establish a robust bogong moth monitoring strategy that will provide accurate estimates of the annual variation in biomass available to mountain pygmy possums.
Practical adaptive management to improve threatened species conservation programs

Practical adaptive management to improve threatened species conservation programs

This project will develop general guidelines and specific practical case studies that demonstrate how adaptive management techniques can be integrated into (and then significantly improve) conservation management.
Adaptive Management for threatened mammals in the Victorian Central Highlands

Adaptive Management for threatened mammals in the Victorian Central Highlands

Many species of mammals and birds are dependent on the Mountain Ash forests of Victoria’s Central Highlands. This project will use analysis of existing long-term monitoring data, new field-based experimental research and radio-tracking to strengthen the scientific evidence base of strategies to secure the long-term conservation of species dependent on these forests.
The conservation of Greater Glider populations in the Victorian Central Highlands

The conservation of Greater Glider populations in the Victorian Central Highlands

The project focuses on greater glider populations in the mountain ash forests of the Victorian Central Highlands, aiming to 1) quantify how populations in the focus region are changing across space and over time; and 2) identify the factors underpinning the observed changes.
Recovering malleefowl with adaptive management of feral predators

Recovering malleefowl with adaptive management of feral predators

The distribution and abundance of malleefowl (Leipoa ocellata) has declined markedly since the arrival of Europeans to Australia. The main identified threats include habitat loss and fragmentation, herbivore grazing, changed fire regimes and invasive predators.
Adaptive reintroduction strategies for the northern corroboree frog

Adaptive reintroduction strategies for the northern corroboree frog

Reintroductions of the Critically Endangered northern corroboree frog have met limited success due to the continued effects of chytrid fungus. This project will develop and trial innovative new translocation and reintroduction approaches, to reestablish wild populations of the northern corroboree frog in the ACT.
Mitigating and managing barriers to fish passage and improving river connectivity

Mitigating and managing barriers to fish passage and improving river connectivity

This project will fill knowledge gaps about the swimming ability and behaviour of declining native fish species; their susceptibility to altered environmental conditions; and their ability to adapt to these altered conditions. The results will inform the design of fishways around physical barriers and the management of cold water releases from dams.
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